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The Downs and Ups of Life

It's the weekend… It’s 5 o’clock HERE!!! Not just somewhere, but here!!!

I was asked the other day, why I started a blog. That was a terrific question that made me sit back and think a minute. Of course, if they lived in my head, it would be self-evident… however, since they (and you) don’t, here is the answer!!

My brain is one of those messy, disorganized, think about all kinds of stuff All The Time brains. I feel like, and felt like, I had “stuff to share,” darn it and currently no audience with whom to share it. If I left it in my brain, it would grow and become too big, or it would sit there and rot. No one (especially me) want’s that, so I’m getting it out, putting into the universe and if it amuses or helps someone else, then FANTASTIC. If it doesn’t then in the very least, it’s out of my head!

This past week has been a week of WAY DOWNs and some UPs! My favorite, and last aunt (the sister of my dad (there were 12 siblings)) had a heart attack then a few days later had troubles breathing. Her kids enlisted the help of hospice. I had the privilege of sitting with them. Since I’m not currently other-employed, I can do whatever work I have anywhere! God works in mysterious ways and I’m grateful for the time and ability to be helpful in this situation.

I think she’s faking it though – yes, that’s only wishful thinking. She’s a jokester and loves gatherings. When she realized that all her kids were coming to visit (thinking there wasn’t much time left), she rallied a little and teased that we were going to have a party. I’m super grateful that she’s no longer needing oxygen and she’s brightened up to her old self! (She’s in her mid-90s.)

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A few weeks ago, my fella’s almost daughter-in-law had a bridal shower, and I wasn’t able to attend. It was scheduled the same day as my daughter’s baby shower!

Since I couldn’t go to Eugene to attend the bridal shower I asked “L” if we could get together for a bite and brew.

She said, “sure” and we made our plans.

Then on Wednesday when it was 90°, the Mistress of the Bait and Switch (“L”) called me when I was on the road (I was in a cute top, jeans and flip flops – it doesn’t mean anything yet, but it will), and said, “How about kayaking the McKenzie instead?”

Me: sure (? (I hope I don't drown))

Me: I'm not wearing kayaking clothes

"L": I will raid my mom's closet and find you something!

Me: Darling, I'm bigger than your mom

"L": I think I can find you something

Me: I love you, I think you're wrong (she was)

(943 miles later… possibly an exaggeration)

1) I didn't drown

2) I had a lot of fun

3) I didn't down

4) I didn't get significantly wet until I was trying to get OUT of the kayak

5) I didn’t drown

6) My arms, shoulders, etc are SO SORE!

7) I didn’t drown

8) I got to spend time with L, her dad and family friend.

9) I'm grateful for a "packed" (read: messy) car... because I had dry clothes to change into!

Then "L": How would you like to go have a bite and brew?

Me: (shaking my head) why, SURE!

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So, to come full circle, I told the Queen Aunt when she was having labored breathing, that if she pulled through, that I would clean out my car in order accommodate her oxygen when I picked her up for church! HOWEVER, I weaseled out of that promise because she doesn’t need oxygen anymore! SCORE!!!

Wherever you find yourself, if you focus only on yourself and your head is hung in discouragement – all you see is defeet.

Lift your head, see what is before you and be grateful!

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